While I went to recovery Mike went upstairs with Jasmine and held our little daughter close. After almost an hour we were reunited and spent our first few moments together as a family. Coumtless people had described to me the miracle that is having a child but until you are there and in the moment you can never really know. There are no words to describe the splendor and wonderment of this moment and the boundless love that completely engulfs you.
Jasmine and I spent the next week in hospital due to the fact that my blood pressure remained high. During those first few days I spent almost every moment with my eyes glued to every breath and movement. Jasmine prooved to know exactly what she was doing. She was a great feeder right from the start. She would sleep in the room with me each night and for the first few nights I just watched her not sleeping and wink! Feeling guilty if I drifted off! Soon though we were quite comfortable with one another and eating and sleeping well.
Mike was a superstar! Throughout the time that I was in hospital Mike would come and visit us early in the morning, then head off to work before returning with dinner each evening to see his little girl (and his big girl!) He compitently informed everyone, sending out picures, printing off emails for me to read and managing my Facebook. He was host to my mother who stayed on the couch the entire week.
When I was finally allowed home with our little bundle it was with great joy and ofcourse a little apprehension, however it all went very smoothly. Mike had 2 weeks off work and in the second week we moved house. A hectic 2 days of packing boxes and removalists but in the end it all went relatively smoothly and we are now a happy new little family in our happy new home.
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