Monday, September 8, 2008

Three Months On

Three months has passed and I can't believe how quickly it has gone by!

We are all adjusting well as a family and have been loving life. Our apartment has worked out well and it is great being so close to the beach. Mike goes surfing most Saturdays and Sundays and I can't wait till summer comes and we can take the bubs down on the sand.

I have fallen on my feet and have a wonderful group of friends. Many of the new Mum's from the antinatal classes we did at Manly hospital have got together and meet each Friday. The are a fun, proactive bunch and it is great to have a network of people who are experiencing the same things at the same times! Funnily enough there are 4 English girls, 1 Welsh, 1 New Zealander and 1 Australian! I also have another group of girls from our local Early Childhood clinic who meet on a Monday and then two friends who are recent mum's who live up the road. All in all lots of friends to meet for coffee most days of the week! I read a recent article that said that Manly is actually the "Yummy Mummy' capital of Australia so I have a lot to live up to!

Jasmine now seems much more like a little person than a baby! She has smiles a plenty! that she dishes out to everyone! not just Mum and Dad. She is really quite a wriggler and no longer is content lying down and needs to be sitting or standing (with help ofcourse) at every opportunity! She has rolled from front to back twice a few weeks ago but has not done it again since and has twice been found at the other end of the bed in the morning! She is not getting very adept with her hands grabbing anything in reach and with both hands putting it straight in her mouth! I think we will most definately have a crawler by Christmas! Oh joy on a 24 hour flight!

Jasmine started swimming lessons 3 weeks ago and has prooved to be quite the little fish! She was quite happy in the water and didn't cry once when dunked under the water or zoomed here or there! She also had her first flight last week with a little trip to Byron Bay for Jennine and Andrew's wedding. She was the perfect angel and is already racking up the frequent flyer points for our up and coming trip to the UK.
Jennine and Andrew's wedding was just gorgeous! At a beach house at Suffolk Park, the day was one of eligance and sophistication. Jeninne looked amazing, the food was scrumptuous, the venue glamorous, the ceremony symbolic and the weather was stunning! They could not have hoped for a better day.

Also a recent event was Mike's first Father's Day! It was a relaxing day with nice weather, a cooked breakfast, a walk along the beach and lots of Daddy and daughter time. As you will notice from the photos below Jasmine likes to read with Daddy and Daddy doesn't let Jasmine get in the way of the sports section!

So that is news from us for the moment! Life is fun and we can't wait for the summer with lots of beach action!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our New Arrival

Jasmine Mia Buckley was born on the 3rd June 2008. A week overdue, I was induced. After 9 hours of labour we had to move to an emergency C section due to my high blood pressure and Jasmine not wanting to engage. At 6.15pm Jasmine was delivered weighing in at 3.2kg.

While I went to recovery Mike went upstairs with Jasmine and held our little daughter close. After almost an hour we were reunited and spent our first few moments together as a family. Coumtless people had described to me the miracle that is having a child but until you are there and in the moment you can never really know. There are no words to describe the splendor and wonderment of this moment and the boundless love that completely engulfs you.

Jasmine and I spent the next week in hospital due to the fact that my blood pressure remained high. During those first few days I spent almost every moment with my eyes glued to every breath and movement. Jasmine prooved to know exactly what she was doing. She was a great feeder right from the start. She would sleep in the room with me each night and for the first few nights I just watched her not sleeping and wink! Feeling guilty if I drifted off! Soon though we were quite comfortable with one another and eating and sleeping well.

Mike was a superstar! Throughout the time that I was in hospital Mike would come and visit us early in the morning, then head off to work before returning with dinner each evening to see his little girl (and his big girl!) He compitently informed everyone, sending out picures, printing off emails for me to read and managing my Facebook. He was host to my mother who stayed on the couch the entire week.

When I was finally allowed home with our little bundle it was with great joy and ofcourse a little apprehension, however it all went very smoothly. Mike had 2 weeks off work and in the second week we moved house. A hectic 2 days of packing boxes and removalists but in the end it all went relatively smoothly and we are now a happy new little family in our happy new home.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Nursery Mania!

As promised a few pictures of the new nursery -baby not included at this point! Although who knows what may happen tonight!

Please also meet our new friends! Most of you who know Mike will know that it was only fitting that the babies first soft toy be a TIGER! So along with the tiger we have continued with the jungle theme introducing; Lotte the Lion, Nuts the Monkey and Zee the Zebra!

We also have 2 more tigers, a huge white fluffy gorilla, a wombat, a koala and a Loch Ness Monster ! (no I'm not kidding!) Not to mention, a giraffe and a springbok recently imported from South Africa. Anyone would think we were moving to the Ark next month!
Now check out the pram! Thanks to John and Anne, Pam and Barry we have the latest in three wheeler technology with the new Phil and Ted pram - called 'The Vibe' no less! Seriously, can't wait to test this thing out - I have even been tempted to put the white fluffy gorilla (Leonard!) in and take it for a spin down the waterfront..... maybe not. Ah well, we will just have to wait for the baby to arrive.
For those of you thinking that the nursery takes on a slightly blueish tone do not be thinking that we know anything you don't! It's just that blue is my favourite colour and left with neutrals and no information I couldn't help myself in places!
So there you have it! All the gear and no idea!!!
Keep watching for the next blog when surely our guest celebrity will make an appearance! Finally! Till then... love to all.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Moving House

After months and months of waiting we have finally come to some resolution with the new apartment that we were meant to move into in February this year!

In December last year we signed a contract on a two bedroom ground floor apartment in Dee Why with the promise of moving in at the end of February 2008. As we were coming down to one income with the baby on the way and also looking at a short to mid term investment opportunity we thought this a good stepping stone to our next potential purchase. The timing looked great, in that we could be moved in, set up and in routine before the baby came allowing me to relax by the beach before the babies arrival. Oh how we could not have been more wrong!

As it is a new development having only just been built first it was delayed in the building process due to the onslaught of wet weather we had in January and February. Next came the numerous registrations with council and government departments as well as what can only be described as the complete and utter incompetence of the developers to get their affairs in order. With the financial sector in trouble in some areas due to the US credit crunch we found out that the financier for the development had gone under and another needed to be sought and the the list of frustrating and tedious excuses and delays goes on.

Finally, with one and a half weeks to go until the baby is to be born we finally hear that the property is moving to settlement! Those of you who know me will have gauged my impatience here after 3 months of chasing, pushing and prodding numerous parties to the finishing line... And what do you think the date that the developers come back to us as the settlement date is? That's it you guessed it the 27th May. My due date! Could they have picked any other date in the entire year!? The irony is just hysterical! Anyway, after much discussion (or persistent calling, waiting on hold, demanding an answer!) we have FINALLY managed to negotiate and extended settlement date of the 27th June. That way at least we can stay where we are with less stress and have time to move ourselves in to the new place - even with a new born.

I can't tell you how happy I am to finally have some resolve and to be back in control of what will happen when. Please anyone out there capable of having a glass of wine tonight - have one for me!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Here it comes!

Another month on from my last blog and much has happened! Apart from my ever expanding waistline we have also well and truly begun to skip merrily down the ever winding yellow brick road to parenthood!

So where do I start!? Now at 35 weeks (that is almost 8 months!!) there is now no getting away from it I am well and truly pregnant! After a relatively trouble free first 2 trimesters there has been no ignoring the third trimester with physical changes that seem to spring themselves on me. The bump, while beautiful in some respects, is now also very hard to camouflage discreetly! While in past months my main concern seemed to center around keeping my trousers up as they would no longer fasten; these days it is actually about finding something with enough material to cover the expanse that goes before me everywhere I go!

Just under a month ago I also had a week where things went a little haywire! I would wake from a nights restless sleep to find my hands and knuckles in quite a bit of pain; to the point that I could not close my hand completely, let alone make a fist. My ankles would also swell by the afternoon to resemble that of an elephant! After a week of discomfort and minor concern I decided to see the doctor just to sure this was all normal. Yep, sure enough all part of being an incubator! The only thing she warned me of was that as my fingers were swelling I had best try and get my wedding and engagement rings off while I still could. That night I tried everything, soap, moisturiser, oil, iced water, more soap - Mike even tried to yank it off - but to no avail. I ended up having to get them CUT OFF by the jeweller!!! He has assured me he can put them back together as good as new when I come back down to size!

Apart from waking and feeling like I have a football for a face and watching my ankles double in size throughout the day, all else seems to be travelling well. I finished work 2 weeks ago and up until that point was still managing to put in 12 hour days as usual. My boss, very generously, offered to pay out my maternity leave even though I was technically not eligible (having only been there 8 months) as a thanks for my hard work. As you can guess this was hugely appreciated now faced with the reality of coming down to one salary.
I am now a lady of leisure, well if you can imagine that.... I am managing to relax a little and get my head around the life that is to come. Walks along the beach, prenatal yoga and midday naps are a regular part of the weekly agenda. There is of course a long list of things to do as well ... I wouldn't have it any other way, that I am getting on with.
In other news, we are still waiting on a settlement date on our new dwellings. This looks set to coincide, of course, with my due date. We are hanging in there for another two weeks or so before deciding to possibly set up the nursery in the place we are now and delay the settlement date until a month or so after the birth. Such is life! We have also started Antenatal Classes at the hospital. Six weeks of classes on a Wednesday evening for 2 hours. There are 12 couples all around our age and all local so a nice social group potentially. Meanwhile, we are are all trying to digest as much information as possible that might prepare us for what is to come! Although the main piece of advice we seem to receive is that we need to be prepared for anything and everything! Helpful!
Lastly, we had our final scan last week and despite all of the temptation we decided not to find out the sex.... with only 5 weeks to go until our little baby enters the world we thought we could wait that long for what will be a beautiful surprise. Looking forward to it in a scared and apprehensive sort of a way!

Photos courtesy of my wonderful sister. Thanks Tori.

Friday, March 21, 2008

It's bothering me.

With time on my hands and a long weekend this presents an opportunity for a blog barrage! So beware one and all as I jump on my 'virtual soapbox' (as my sister would call it!) and express my humble opinion. What more of an ideal forum could there be?

Quite often, I find, I watch the world news with interest and wonder from the relative isolation of my comfy couch in my harbour view apartment. Some of the things I see bother me and I find I am actually vehmenently passionate about. In thoughts and conversations, I am disturbed by events and actions that I see taking place and often find myself motivated to take action, get involved, take a stance or join a movement about what I think is right or wrong. Unfortunately quite often I find that this passion and momentum moves no further than the couch and I find my self disappointed in my lack of action for whatever reason.

There are two issues recently that just will not sit on the couch anymore and I feel need a broader voice. The first issue that I am glad has received a much higher profile in recent months here in Australia is that of illegal Japanese whaling activities in the Southern Ocean.

Commercial whaling has been globally banned since 1986 by the International Whaling Commission (IWC). Japan's whaling program that it calls scientific and claims is legal under IWC rules, provides for a self-imposed quota of up to 440 minke whale stocks annually, and every second year it concentrates this effort on the waters of eastern Antarctica.
These waters include a 200-mile wide stretch adjacent to Australia’s Antarctic territory, in which more than 1300 whales were killed by Japanese company Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha between 2000 and 2006. Kyodo Senpaku Kaishahas a permit to kill 935 minke and 50 fin whales in Antarctica this season, and HSI estimates that 90% of these would be killed within the Australian Whale Sanctuary.
This year there has been a much higher media profile attached to the plight of these beautiful and intelligent creatures. This is mainly due to the efforts of both an organisation called The Sea Shepherd and also Greenpeace. Hats off to those who use innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities in an effort safeguard the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced ocean ecosystems so as to ensure their survival for future generations.

Watch this You Tube video and you will see just what I mean:

The second issue that is eating away at me is the violence currently being experienced in Tibet. The violence comes in the light of the anniversary of March 1959 when China marched on Tibet with the result being the death of over 87,000 Tibetans.

Having travelled to Tibet this time last year I was shocked at how repressed both the people and their culture were in their own land. The Chinese had marched into this land and taken it's people to within a breath of life with it's stranglehold by an iron fist.
I remember the fear I felt as we cautiously stopped at checkpoint after Chinese checkpoint to show our documents and cargo. Tibetans and foreigners alike are not allowed to have in their possession their own music or express their own culture for fear of having it confiscated or being arrested. Many of the young Tibetans have fled the country. Many are still trying to flee. Just while we were there a young Tibetan nun was shot dead by Chinese authorities trying to make the mountain pass (a good 4 days trek at high altitude) to Nepal with some 20 others. Those who are left are the elderly clinging to their religion and the young still living in the vain hope of a free Tibet. The Tibetan population now only makes up 20% of the population of Tibet. The rest are Han Chinese.

Now that the suppression and disgracefully poor quality of life have become too much and those with any energy and anger left with a voice have tried to rise, China once again flexes it's hard faced muscle. They will squash them. And we will not see. We will not see because the controls are so tight on foreigners, let alone journalists, coming into the country that we can never see. China will 'save face' before it's moment of glory, the Beijing Olympics, by eradicating what is left of the beautiful spirit of Tibet and it's people.

And who will stop them? I wish with all my heart there was someone. But I know that in all likely hood there won't be. China, is a superpower, possibly the next America (now that really scares me!) They are a growing economic strength with an overwhelmingly large and loyal population. Who will stand to them and interfere? I feel sad and powerless for these poor peace loving people who have had everything taken from them; not least their humility and their pride but now also their lives.

Perhaps we cannot get past the fact that Tibet is now part of China. The fight has long gone. However there are still issues here of human rights and freedom of speech that are being ignored by the international political community. The atrocities that are happening cannot be ignored. China needs to be brought to call on how it governs internally. Trust me, as a tourist who while standing at a checkpoint was told I would have my camera confiscated if I took photos, and this was during a period of non-violence, we are not seeing a fraction what is happening there in Tibet.
Perhaps this is the best thing that I have read with respect to how we can influence China and affect historic choice is this.

China does care about its international reputation. Its economy is totally dependent on “Made in China” exports that we all buy, and it is keen to make the Olympics in Beijing this summer a celebration of a new China that is a respected world power.
President Hu needs to hear that ‘Brand China’ and the Olympics can succeed only if he makes the right choice. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get his attention. Click below to join me and sign a petition to President Hu calling for restraint in Tibet and dialogue with the Dalai Lama — and tell absolutely everyone you can right away. The petition is organized by Avaaz, and they are urgently aiming to reach 1 million signatures to deliver directly to Chinese officials.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Six months in and three to go!

Thought it about time for another update. Now officially on the six month mark and things are getting a little lumpier and bumpier as you can probably see from the photos!

Baby bump is behaving itself although it has now become quite an active little tike. The little butterfly bumps are becoming bigger and more forceful now to the point that Mike can feel the movements and I can quite often see the twitches if sitting quietly (not that I do that too often mind!) This is particularly funny when at work in the middle of quite an intense competency based interview to try and identify my replacement!!! A slight distraction to say the least!

I am quite happy that I seem to be growing predominantly in the one area!
Outwards! in the belly region! Hopefully I can keep the rest of it suitably under control and maybe, just maybe my body might revert to how it once was?! Although I can scarcely imagine that ever happening at the moment!

The other exciting thing happening this month is the hopeful completiton of our new apartment. We recently purchased a 2 bedroom garden apartment in Dee Why (2 suburbs from where we are now). It is newly built in a block of 27 apartments on three levels. We have a ground floor corner block. Only 1km walk from the beach and an express bus to the city we are hoping it is a good investment purchase now and for the future.
The pictures show the outside of the block with all the landscaping and turfing yet to be complete. We hope to move in by the end of the month.

Meanwhile, next blog, I should snap some pictures of Mike who seems to be doing the complete opposite to myself and getting slimmer and fitter! Between the gym almost everyday and surfing weekends he is looking incredibly healthy and well. Hope all is well with everyone everywhere!
Till next time.